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Huk is so godly at this game.. there were so many points where I thought he was done but he held on brilliantly every time and the longer the game went on, the further his lead grew
Good choice on removing mother ship, vortex is so broken.
Vortex is so broken as in "the only thing that can give you a win vs a maxed t3 zerg army"?
aria is so terrible its insane
exactly, no way you should be able to beat a zerg deathball.
#4, it's not that he's bad overall, because his macro is outstanding, but his control is really bad though... He's facing one of the best micro players in the world, it's obvious that you can't win by just throwing waves of units at an opponent of Huk's level.
Sick game! Huk is on fire.
#3 and #5, both times Zerg had no detection coming out of the toilet and protoss was ahead in upgrades.
It didn't help that the Zerg left so many brood lords outside the vortex to be sniped by the invisible stalkers.
I agree though that it must have felt like crap as a zerg to have had so many maxed army engagements completely fall apart to a smaller army.
If Aria's indeed Jaedong, I don't think he practiced more than a week... give it a month and Huk wouldn't be able to get a game off him.
yep macro+a-moving dont work against huk
GG, good cast. Please turn on the game sounds.
Wowzers. also thumbs up for the archon toilets! craziness
Aria was brilliant in my opinion. How can anyone say he is terrible? I don't think I have seen macro like that from any other player before. He was unlucky in many of his engagements, with a little sharper micro he would have demolished Huk. I really hope to see him play again.
Archon Toilet!!!
Huk was more cost efficient, aria mined out. Pretty simple game overall.
I agree with most of the aria comments here. The game wasn't actually all that interesting.
So many haters posting here. GG, good cast, +1 for motherships (sad they're being removed).
Aria had superb macro but it felt as he was just testing the units and compositions out on the micro department. Quite possibly some BW player who plays around with SC2.
Looks like FruitDealer to me with that muta/roach style. Also note that his late game macro-management is really bad, he ends up stuck at 150 supply with 0 minerals and 3,000 gas, then he remaxed on roaches and ultras vs immortal/archon. That's a problem
+1 for archon toilet
Huk had amazing micro, but it was also crazy how aria kept him on the defensive for 20 minutes straight.
Yeah Aria had sick macro. He just kept remaxing the wrong stuff and attacking the wrong things. Like throwing a few zerglings into the main when he took down huks natural would have done wonders. Instead he tried to push the 3rd.
Game ender was when he walked right into the vortex at the end and the archon toilet killed him. /agree that I would love to see more Aria games.
For those impressed by Aria's macro, just extrapolate from the first 7-8 minutes. He made the right opening, and that put him ahead. Obviously in that situation if you continue bombarding the opponent with progressively less effective attacks, the game will put Huk on the defensive for the next 15 minutes, until everything fell apart.
17:05 - very poor decision lost the game.
He could kill robo + 2 upgrades and -> main base - but no, he just went and killed his units under 7 photon cannons.
Agree with soprof.
Aria had this game. He should have finish the natural + main.
He lose almost all of his army for some protoss units on his third.
Aria's macro is outstanding. His units transition were perfect and so fast : Roach into muta into baneling drop into broodlords.
Who is this guy ?
Mothersip OP? LOL
It takes SO much resources to get it out, of course it should be good.
Don't understand why they are removing the mothership and then giving Terran something similar.
Fucking Blizzard.
They even nerfed it a little a while ago.
Units leaving the Mothership's Vortex are now un-targetable and immune to damage for 1.5 seconds.
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