Added on Sun Mar 02, 2014

[?v?] Arthur vs Has (Best of 3)
-2014 WCS America
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Rotterdam & MrBitter
Sat Mar 01, 2014

[?v?] Decider Match (Best of 3)
-2014 WCS America
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Rotterdam & MrBitter

[?v?] Loser's Match (Best of 3)
-2014 WCS America
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Rotterdam & MrBitter

[?v?] Winner's Match (Best of 3)
-2014 WCS America
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Rotterdam & MrBitter

[ZvZ] HyuN vs Revival (Best of 3)
-2014 WCS America
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Rotterdam & MrBitter

[?v?] ByuL vs TheStC (Best of 3)
-2014 WCS America
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Rotterdam & MrBitter
Fri Feb 28, 2014

[?v?] Decider Match (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[?v?] Loser's Match (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[?v?] Winner's Match (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[TvP] Dayshi vs san (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[?v?] Targa vs MiniRaser (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[ZvZ] PsY vs TEHREDBANDIT (1 Game)
-Own Replay Analysis
/ cast by:PsyStarcraft
Thu Feb 27, 2014

[?v?] Decider Match (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Rotterdam & MrBitter

[?v?] Loser's Match (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Rotterdam & MrBitter

[?v?] Winner's Match (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Rotterdam & MrBitter

[ZvT] Scarlett vs MaSa (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Rotterdam & MrBitter

[?v?] Heart vs TooDming (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Rotterdam & MrBitter
Wed Feb 26, 2014

[?v?] Decider Match (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Rotterdam & MrBitter

[?v?] Loser's Match (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Rotterdam & MrBitter

[?v?] Winner's Match (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Rotterdam & MrBitter

[PvP] Alicia vs desRow (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Rotterdam & MrBitter

[?v?] NesTea vs Oz (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Rotterdam & MrBitter
Tue Feb 25, 2014

[?v?] Decider Match (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[?v?] Loser's Match (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[?v?] Winner's Match (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[PvT] BabyKnight vs ForGG (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[?v?] VortiX vs Lilbow (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris
Mon Feb 24, 2014

[?v?] Decider Match (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[?v?] Loser's Match (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[?v?] Winner's Match (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[TvZ] Jjakji vs LiveZerg (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[?v?] Nerchio vs ShowTime (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris
Sun Feb 23, 2014

[?v?] Decider Match (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[?v?] Loser's Match (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[?v?] Winner's Match (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[PvT] Naniwa vs Bunny (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[?v?] MC vs Slivko (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2014 WCS Europe
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[PvZ] WhiteRa vs ret (Best of 7)
-NXT Starcraft Challenge
/ cast by:Madals & PengWin
Sat Feb 22, 2014

[TvP] MajOr vs State (Best of 5)
-Ender's Game Tourney
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:Destiny & Catz
Fri Feb 21, 2014

[ZvP] Jaedong vs HerO (BO5 in 1 Video)
-IEM Cologne 2014
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:Apollo & Ret

[TvP] Polt vs mYi.Rain (BO5 in 1 Video)
-IEM Cologne 2014
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:Kaelaris & ToD

[ZvZ] Scarlett vs Kane (Best of 3)
-Ender's Game Tourney
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Destiny & Catz

[ZvP] Scarlett vs Hitman (Best of 3)
-Ender's Game Tourney
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Destiny & Catz

[ZvT] Kane vs MajOr (Best of 3)
-Ender's Game Tourney
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Destiny & Catz

[ZvP] Kane vs Hitman (Best of 3)
-Ender's Game Tourney
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Destiny & Catz

[TvZ] MajOr vs Scarlett (Best of 3)
-Ender's Game Tourney
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Destiny & Catz
Thu Feb 20, 2014

[TvP] Innovation vs HerO (BO5 in 1 Video)
-IEM Cologne 2014
-Quarter Finals
/ cast by:Kaelaris & ToD

[TvP] Jjakji vs mYi.Rain (BO5 in 1 Video)
-IEM Cologne 2014
-Quarter Finals
/ cast by:Kaelaris & ToD

[PvZ] Patience vs Jaedong (BO5 in 1 Video)
-IEM Cologne 2014
-Quarter Finals
/ cast by:Apollo & Ret

[TvP] Polt vs Classic (BO5 in 1 Video)
-IEM Cologne 2014
-Quarter Finals
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[PvZ] State vs hendralisk (Best of 3)
-Ender's Game Tourney
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Destiny & Catz

[ZvZ] ViBE vs hendralisk (Best of 3)
-Ender's Game Tourney
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Destiny & Catz

[PvT] State vs MaSa (Best of 3)
-Ender's Game Tourney
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Destiny & Catz

[ZvP] hendralisk vs State (Best of 3)
-Ender's Game Tourney
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Destiny & Catz
Wed Feb 19, 2014

[?v?] Decider Match (BO3 in 1 Video)
-IEM Cologne 2014
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[?v?] Winner's Match (BO3 in 1 Video)
-IEM Cologne 2014
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Kaelaris & ToD

[TvT] Innovation vs HeRoMaRinE (BO3 in 1 Video)
-IEM Cologne 2014
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & qxc

[?v?] MC vs Classic (BO3 in 1 Video)
-IEM Cologne 2014
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Kaelaris & ToD
Tue Feb 18, 2014

[?v?] Decider Match (BO3 in 1 Video)
-IEM Cologne 2014
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Kaelaris & Ret

[?v?] Loser's Match (BO3 in 1 Video)
-IEM Cologne 2014
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Kaelaris & Ret

[?v?] Winner's Match (BO3 in 1 Video)
-IEM Cologne 2014
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & ToD

[PvZ] MaNa vs Jaedong (BO3 in 1 Video)
-IEM Cologne 2014
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Ret

[?v?] Stardust vs Polt (BO3 in 1 Video)
-IEM Cologne 2014
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Kaelaris & ToD
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