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This game is a contradiction to everything I know about sc2 :P. I watched it twice and still I can't believe how it turned out.
wtb day9 daily on few-worker, no-upgrade macro please.
After watching this replay, I have concluded that khaydarin amulet is OP, 35 scvs + mules on 1 mining base vs 3 base and 65 probes, is completely balanced, stimmed marauder with concussive shell is balanced, marauders, vikings, and ghosts are too expensive and cannot be afforded on 2 base terran, high templar and colossi are OP, too cheap, and build too fast, force fields need to be nerfed, sentries should cost 200/200, and stalkers should not be able to shoot up. Warpgates are also OP. Oh, and terran units without upgrades are way too weak.
Did I miss anything?
lol @supernova
pretty weired game indeed
i lol'd
srsly wtf was that. oh right a terran MMM all game WITHOUT UPGRADES steamroll toss with +1 base.
Likewise I can't believe Huk lost that, but quit whining. Huk's third base hadn't been up that long, it hadn't paid for itself yet. Yes the MULEs mined a heck of a lot, but thats because he 1rax FE'd.
I really hope someone from blizzard sees this game! As if they'd ever nerf terran... WTF!
I'm no pro but it seemed like HuK had too many stalkers for how many marauders were on the field. I think more zealots + earlier charge + forcefield behind the marauders could have made that easier.
Also it doesn't really address the MMM vs. protoss issue, but specific to this game HuK could have probably taken it early on when he killed the bunker and it was like 5 or 6 stalkers vs. basically nothing for Alive. Ofc it's easy to sit back and say that from the replay perspective.
I don't read forums much, but have they asked blizz about increasing base marauder dmg slightly but reducing their dmg to armored? or even just reducing marauder dmg to armored by like 2 or 3.
With the amount of storms and colossus shots on those marauders they should have been dead. Huk should have won the game, even if he had too many stalkers. I mean you really can't get colossus, immortals and Templar at the same time, without being vulnerable- he needed the stalkers, and yes he needed more zealots, but you do realize there was a huge difference in upgrades right? Shouldn't that amount for something?
nerf terran already
This... This cannot be!
In the IEM tourney that Ace won, no terrans even made it to the final four. Altho you could prob argue that that was just due to unlucky matchups for the terrans or w/e.
It seems like at high levels, SC2 is slightly rock/paper/scissors.. Z > T slightly more than half the time, T > P slightly more than half the time, and P > Z slightly more than 50%. still hella balanced game compared to almost anything else out there.
this game was lost on very bad force field placements, especially with that last big engagement, huk only manage to separate about 3-4 units. Also it would have helped alot for him to snipe the vikings first
Huk made a terrible decision to keep engaging out at his gold. He just needed to hang back and build more units, sack his gold sooner
@mah3r - you blame a loss on force fields? omg lulz. and "snipe the vikings first". You do realize that stalkers were the only thing that shoot up, right (which are HARD COUNTERED by marauders)... But you're right, needed more zealots to shoot up and fewer stalkers for the vikings...and really, the entire game should come down to poor forcefield placement.. not macro.. while terran just attack-moves a few times and stims, and has a couple of medivacs.
I personally find it amazing that marauders cost 25/25 less than stalkers but do higher DPS, slow the objects their shooting, have stimpack, and can get healed by medivacs..
what happens is that MMM is really fucking strong in small numbers, so once Huk's protoss ball was gone, his very expensive units weren't very useful in small numbers. (Stimmed marauders can kite almost all protoss units without take a single bit of damage, and they can dodge forcefields.)
On bigger maps like this, I do think MMM is way too strong vs. Protoss, there's no way you can match that manoeuvreability.
No one is talking about the huge number of medivacs that aLive had. Instead of misplacing force fields and wasting storms, what about feedbacking the medivacs?
Why my marauders die from 1rst storm? :D
huk would have won this if khaydarin amulet didn't exist, because then he wouldn't have committed so hard on getting those crappy high templates
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