Added on Fri Nov 11, 2011

[TvP] EmpireKas vs MaNa (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Mouz vs Empire
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[PvT] MaNa vs Beastyqt (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Mouz vs Empire
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[TvT] ThorZain vs EmpireKas (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Mouz vs Empire
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[ZvT] MorroW vs Happy (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Mouz vs Empire
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[TvP] PuMa vs ToD (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-EG vs Fnatic
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[TvT] KawaiiRice vs EmpireKas (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Fnatic vs Empire
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[TvT] PuMa vs Happy (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-EG vs Empire
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[PvT] Axslav vs Beastyqt (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-EG vs Empire
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[ZvT] IdrA vs EmpireKas (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-EG vs Empire
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[TvT] ThorZain vs Rain (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Mouz vs Fnatic
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[PvP] NightEnd vs MaNa (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Mouz vs Fnatic
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[TvT] Drewbie vs PokeBunny (Best of 5)
-NanMans Week of Show Matches
/ cast by:NanMan

[TvT] Adebisi vs Multiple Players (Games in 1 Video)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Own Replay Analysis
/ cast by:Adebisi
Thu Nov 10, 2011

[ZvP] PsY vs Russano (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Own Replay Analysis
/ cast by:PsyStarcraft

[PvZ] HwangSin vs Unknown Player (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Korean Starcraft Match
Wed Nov 09, 2011

[ZvP] PsY vs ArribaoBico (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Own Replay Analysis
/ cast by:PsyStarcraft
Tue Nov 08, 2011

[ZvP] IdrA vs WhiteRa (Best of 5)
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Apollo

[PvZ] Tails.MVP vs CheckPrime (Best of 3)
-IGN Pro League
/ cast by:HD Starcraft & PainUser

[TvZ] OneStar vs moemoland (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder VOD

[PvT] col.Killer vs Unknown Player (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Korean Starcraft Match
/ cast by:Ipp
Mon Nov 07, 2011

[PvZ] Gatored vs CheckPrime (Best of 3) Open
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:Ahnaris

[PvT] elfi vs SeleCT (Best of 5)
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Apollo

[ZvT] dApollo vs Mudis (Best of 3)
/ cast by:WhiteRa & TotalBiscuit

[ZvP] ret vs WhiteRa (Best of 5)
-Round of 8
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Apollo
SK-Gaming [PvT]
[PvT] HerO vs Harrier (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Korean Starcraft Match
/ cast by:Ahnaris
Sun Nov 06, 2011

Strifecro and Axslav vs Aristeo and EmpireKas (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

TTOne and eXe vs Aristeo and EmpireKas (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[PvT] TTOne vs Beastyqt (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Fnatic vs Empire
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

ThorZain and MaNa vs Aristeo and EmpireKas (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[TvZ] ThorZain vs Aristeo (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Mouz vs Empire
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[PvT] MaNa vs EmpireKas (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Mouz vs Empire
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

iNcontroL and Machine vs eXe and leZaeL (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[PvT] Huk vs Rain (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-EG vs Fnatic
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[ZvP] IdrA vs NightEnd (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-EG vs Fnatic
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[TvZ] SeleCT vs Dimaga (Best of 5)
-Round of 8
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Apollo

[ZvZ] Stephano vs Revival (2 Games)
-IGN Pro League
/ cast by:HD Starcraft & PainUser
SK-Gaming [ZvP]
[ZvP] FruitDealer vs col.Killer (Best of 5)
-IEM New York
-Quarter Finals
/ cast by:Ahnaris
Sat Nov 05, 2011

[PvZ] inori vs CrazymoviNG (Best of 3) Open
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:Ahnaris

[ZvP] Stephano vs KiwiKaki (Best of 3)
-IGN Pro League
/ cast by:HD Starcraft & PainUser

[ZvZ] JulyZerg vs PhoeNix (Best of 3)
-IGN Pro League
/ cast by:HD Starcraft & PainUser

[PvP] State vs Inka (Best of 3)
-TeSPA Texas Showdown
/ cast by:Axeltoss & iNcontroL
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