Added on Sat Jun 01, 2013
Fri May 31, 2013

[ZvT] TLO vs Happy (BO5 in 1 Video)
-2013 WCS Europe
-5th-8th Place
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[ZvT] Dongraegu vs Bunny (1 Game)
-2013 WCS Korea S1
-Up and Downs
/ cast by:Khaldor & Wolf

[TvP] Apocalypse vs Top (Best of 3)
-WCS Challenger League
-Round 3
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[TvT] Polt vs TaeJa (Best of 3)
-WCS Challenger League
-Round 3
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[ZvP] Scarlett vs Jim (Best of 3)
-WCS Challenger League
-Round 3
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[ZvP] NesTea vs Capoch (Best of 3)
-WCS Challenger League
-Round 3
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[PvZ] Hellokitty vs Petraeus (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder VOD
Thu May 30, 2013

Samsung Galaxy vs KT Rolster (Best of 7)
-Proleague (2012-2013)
-Round 4
/ cast by:SNM & Whiplash

[TvP] LucifroN vs BabyKnight (BO5 in 1 Video)
-2013 WCS Europe
-5th-8th Place
/ cast by:Apollo & ToD

[TvT] DeMuslim vs XY (Best of 3)
-WCS Challenger League
-Round 2
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[PvT] State vs theognis (Best of 3)
-WCS Challenger League
-Round 2
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[TvP] Bomber vs Hurricane (1 Game)
-2013 GSTL Pennant Race
-Team League
/ cast by:Khaldor & Wolf

[TvT] NSHSting vs KeeN (1 Game)
-2013 GSTL Pennant Race
-Team League
/ cast by:Khaldor & Wolf
Wed May 29, 2013

[ZvT] Stephano vs IMMvp (BO7 in 1 Video)
-2013 WCS Europe
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[TvT] TaeJa vs Illusion (Best of 3)
-WCS Challenger League
-Round 2
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[PvZ] WhiteRa vs HoBbe (Best of 3)
-Dreamhack Stockholm 2013
-Group Stage
/ cast by:HD Starcraft
Tue May 28, 2013

[TvZ] IMMvp vs Dimaga (BO5 in 1 Video)
-2013 WCS Europe
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:Kaelaris & ToD

[ZvT] Stephano vs ForGG (BO5 in 1 Video)
-2013 WCS Europe
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[ZvP] Goswser vs Capoch (Best of 3)
-WCS Challenger League
-Round 2
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav
Mon May 27, 2013

[ZvP] Stephano vs BabyKnight (BO5 in 1 Video)
-2013 WCS Europe
-Quarter Finals
/ cast by:Kaelaris & ToD

[TvT] ForGG vs LucifroN (BO5 in 1 Video)
-2013 WCS Europe
-Quarter Finals
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[ZvT] Dimaga vs Happy (BO5 in 1 Video)
-2013 WCS Europe
-Quarter Finals
/ cast by:Apollo & Kaelaris

[ZvT] TLO vs IMMvp (BO5 in 1 Video)
-2013 WCS Europe
-Quarter Finals
/ cast by:Kaelaris & ToD
Sun May 26, 2013

[TvT] aLive vs Polt (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[TvT] aLive vs Ryung (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[TvT] Polt vs Ryung (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[TvZ] Innovation vs Symbol (1 Game)
-2013 WCS Korea S1
-Code S
/ cast by:Artosis & tasteless

[ZvT] Ragnarok vs Maru (1 Game)
-2013 GSTL Pennant Race
-Team League
/ cast by:Khaldor & Wolf

[ZvZ] Scarlett vs BBongBBong (1 Game)
-2013 GSTL Pennant Race
-Team League
/ cast by:Khaldor & Wolf

[ZvZ] Jaedong vs XLord (1 Game)
-Dreamhack Stockholm 2013
-Group Stage
/ cast by:HD Starcraft
Sat May 25, 2013

[?v?] Decider Match (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Axeltoss

[?v?] Loser's Match (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Axslav

[?v?] Winner's Match (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Axslav

[ZvZ] Suppy vs Revival (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Axslav

[?v?] HerO vs Scarlett (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[ZvZ] FitzyHere vs Petraeus (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder VOD
Fri May 24, 2013

[?v?] Decider Match (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[?v?] Loser's Match (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[?v?] Winner's Match (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Axeltoss

[PvZ] Crank vs mOOnGLaDe (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Axslav

[?v?] TheStC vs Apocalypse (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav
Thu May 23, 2013

[ZvP] Kane vs State (BO7 in 1 Video)
-ShoutCraft America
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Axslav

[?v?] Decider Match (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[?v?] Loser's Match (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[?v?] Winner's Match (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[PvZ] Alicia vs Sen (Best of 3)
-2013 WCS America S1
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav
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