Added on Thu Dec 27, 2012

[ZvP] IdrA vs Stork (2 Games)
-MLG vs Proleague Invitational 2012
-Season Play
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[PvZ] Naniwa vs Jaedong (2 Games)
-MLG vs Proleague Invitational 2012
-Season Play
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

[PvP] Huk vs Bisu (2 Games)
-MLG vs Proleague Invitational 2012
-Season Play
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Axslav

Multiple Players vs Multiple Players (1 Game)
-ShoutCraft House of the Swarm
-HotS Showmatch
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit

[TvT] Heart vs Ryung (Best of 1)
-ShoutCraft House of the Swarm
-Round 1
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Husky

[TvZ] MMA vs Miya (Best of 1)
-ShoutCraft House of the Swarm
-Round 1
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Husky

[ZvP] Miya vs Crank (Best of 1)
-ShoutCraft House of the Swarm
-Round 1
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Husky

[PvT] Crank vs MMA (Best of 1)
-ShoutCraft House of the Swarm
-Round 1
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Husky

[TvZ] Ryung vs Miya (Best of 1)
-ShoutCraft House of the Swarm
-Round 1
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Husky

[TvT] MMA vs Heart (Best of 1)
-ShoutCraft House of the Swarm
-Round 1
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Husky

Multiple Players vs Multiple Players (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:PsyStarcraft
Wed Dec 26, 2012
Tue Dec 25, 2012

[TvP] LucifroN vs elfi (Best of 3)
-IEM Katowice Qualifier
-Winners Round
/ cast by:Jorosar

[PvZ] HasuObs vs VortiX (Best of 3)
-IEM Katowice Qualifier
-Losers Round
/ cast by:Jorosar

[PvZ] Grubby vs LiveZerg (Best of 3)
-IEM Katowice Qualifier
-Winners Round
/ cast by:Jorosar

[ZvZ] Stephano vs LiveZerg (Best of 3)
-IEM Katowice Qualifier
-Losers Round
/ cast by:Jorosar

[ZvT] Ragnarok vs FXO.Crazy (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:HD Starcraft
Mon Dec 24, 2012

[ZvP] YoungKwangYu vs Unknown Player (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:HD Starcraft

Multiple Players vs Multiple Players (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:HD Starcraft
Sun Dec 23, 2012

[PvZ] Naniwa vs Life (1 Game)
-GSL World Championship 2012
-Round 1
/ cast by:Artosis & tasteless

[ZvZ] Leenock vs viOlet (Best of 5)
-IPL 5
-WB Finals
/ cast by:Kevin Pearson & Jay Todorow
Sat Dec 22, 2012

[TvT] Polt vs Bomber (Best of 3)
-IPL 5
-4th Place Match
/ cast by:Kevin Pearson & Jay Todorow

[ZvZ] MVP.Sniper vs Sleep (BO3 in 1 Video)
-IPL 5
-Losers Round 8
/ cast by:Grubby & Kibbelz

[ZvZ] CatZ vs Legacy (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:HD Starcraft

[TvZ] deth vs Sushilicious (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:HD Starcraft

[ZvP] Revival vs HwangSin (Best of 5)
-GGA StarCraft II Global Tournament
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:Crota
Fri Dec 21, 2012

[ZvP] Scarlett vs SlayerS_Brown (Best of 3)
-Iron Squid 2
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Day9 & Kaelaris

[PvT] SlayerS_Brown vs MarineKing (Best of 3)
-Iron Squid 2
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Day9 & Kaelaris

[ZvT] Scarlett vs MarineKing (Best of 3)
-Iron Squid 2
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Day9 & Kaelaris

[TvP] TaeJa vs SlayerS_Brown (Best of 3)
-Iron Squid 2
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Day9 & Kaelaris

[ZvT] PsY vs Unknown Player (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:PsyStarcraft
Thu Dec 20, 2012

[TvP] Ryung vs Crank (Best of 1)
-ShoutCraft House of the Swarm
-Round 1
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Husky

[TvT] MMA vs Ryung (Best of 1)
-ShoutCraft House of the Swarm
-Round 1
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Husky

[ZvT] Miya vs Heart (Best of 1)
-ShoutCraft House of the Swarm
-Round 1
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Husky

[PvT] Crank vs Heart (Best of 1)
-ShoutCraft House of the Swarm
-Round 1
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Husky

[ZvT] CatZ vs SquidGunz (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:HD Starcraft

[ZvP] CatZ vs TheBATMAN (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:HD Starcraft

[ZvT] PsY vs MECHABIRDO (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:PsyStarcraft
Wed Dec 19, 2012
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