Added on Fri May 18, 2012
Thu May 17, 2012
Wed May 16, 2012

[PvT] BlinG vs Fargo (Games in 1 Video)
-Multiplay Insomnia
/ cast by:Jorosar & Martijn
Tue May 15, 2012

[TvZ] GanZi vs Delphi (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Alternate Attax vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[TvT] NaDa vs ClouD (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Alternate Attax vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[PvP] Socke vs col.Killer (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Alternate Attax vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[ZvT] DarKFoRcE vs Heart (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Alternate Attax vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael
Mon May 14, 2012

[ZvZ] Moon vs Ostojiy (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Fnatic vs ItsGosu
/ cast by:Machine & Azael

[ZvZ] ViBE vs ByuL (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Fnatic vs ItsGosu
/ cast by:Machine & Azael

[ZvP] DeParture vs HwangSin (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Fnatic vs ItsGosu
/ cast by:Machine & Azael
Sun May 13, 2012

[TvT] MMA vs aLive (BO5 in 1 Video)
-Iron Squid
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Apollo

[ZvP] viOlet vs Axslav (Best of 5)
-IPL Ye Olde Map Tournament
-Round of 8
/ cast by:Kevin Knocke & doa

[TvP] qxc vs State (Best of 5)
-IPL Ye Olde Map Tournament
-Round of 8
/ cast by:Kevin Knocke & doa
Sat May 12, 2012

[TvZ] MarineKing vs Symbol (BO5 in 1 Video)
-Iron Squid
-Round of 8
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Apollo

[TvZ] Jjakji vs NesTea (BO5 in 1 Video)
-Iron Squid
-Round of 8
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Apollo

[ZvP] Stephano vs HerO (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Team Liquid vs Millenium
/ cast by:Machine & Azael

[ZvP] ret vs Adelscott (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Team Liquid vs Millenium
/ cast by:Machine & Azael

[TvT] TaeJa vs DieStar (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Team Liquid vs Millenium
/ cast by:Machine & Azael

[ZvP] Zenio vs Feast (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Team Liquid vs Millenium
/ cast by:Machine & Azael
Fri May 11, 2012

[TvP] ThorZain vs JYP (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-EG vs Mousesports
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[ZvT] MorroW vs PuMa (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-EG vs Mousesports
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[ZvP] Machine vs MaNa (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-EG vs Mousesports
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[ZvZ] IdrA vs biGs (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-EG vs Mousesports
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser
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