Added on Sat Jul 14, 2012
Fri Jul 13, 2012

[TvZ] MarineKing vs CoCa (Best of 9)
-IPL Fight Club
/ cast by:Kevin Knocke & doa

[TvP] Maru vs Genius (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 KR Qualifier
-Round of 8
/ cast by:DjWheat & Apollo

[ZvT] Shine vs Gumiho (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 KR Qualifier
-Round of 8
/ cast by:DjWheat & Apollo

[TvP] TaeJa vs Finale (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 KR Qualifier
-Round of 8
/ cast by:DjWheat & Apollo

[TvP] Bomber vs TSL_Value (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Korean Starcraft Match
/ cast by:Force

[PvT] BabyKnight vs EmpireKas (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder VOD

[PvZ] WhiteRa vs Cytoplasm (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder VOD
Thu Jul 12, 2012

[PvT] col.Killer vs aLive (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Fnatic vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[TvZ] aLive vs Goswser (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Fnatic vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[ZvT] ByuL vs GanZi (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Fnatic vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[ZvT] Moon vs Heart (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Fnatic vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[PvP] Oz vs col.Killer (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Fnatic vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[TvP] Hack vs Creator (Best of 5)
-TSL 4 KR Qualifier
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Apollo

[PvZ] Destiny vs RemarK (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder VOD
/ cast by:Destiny & Axeltoss
Wed Jul 11, 2012

[TvZ] aLive vs Miya (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-SlayerS vs Fnatic
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[PvT] Crank vs aLive (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-SlayerS vs Fnatic
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[ZvP] ByuL vs Puzzle (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-SlayerS vs Fnatic
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[ZvZ] Moon vs Miya (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-SlayerS vs Fnatic
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[TvP] Fnatic.Rain vs Alicia (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-SlayerS vs Fnatic
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[PvT] MVP.Lure vs Hack (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 KR Qualifier
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Apollo

[PvP] Creator vs Puzzle (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 KR Qualifier
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:TotalBiscuit & Apollo

[TvP] DeMuslim vs Tails.MVP (Best of 3)
-GIGABYTE LAN Invitational
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Darnoc
Tue Jul 10, 2012

MVP vs Incredible Miracle (Best of 9)
-IPL Team Arena 3
-Winners Round 3
/ cast by:Kevin Knocke & doa

[TvT] aLive vs GanZi (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Fnatic vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[PvT] Oz vs Heart (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Fnatic vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[ZvT] Moon vs qxc (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Fnatic vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[ZvP] ByuL vs col.Killer (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Fnatic vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[PvZ] Creator vs SPGSatu (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder VOD
/ cast by:StitchStarcraft
Mon Jul 09, 2012

[TvP] MMA vs MaNa (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Slayers vs Mouz
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[TvZ] MorroW vs Miya (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Slayers vs Mouz
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[ZvZ] CoCa vs biGs (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Slayers vs Mouz
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[PvP] Puzzle vs HasuObs (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Slayers vs Mouz
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[PvT] WelMu vs MajOr (Best of 5)
-TSL 4 EU-NA Qualifier
/ cast by:DjWheat & MrBitter

[TvT] Jjakji vs MMA (Best of 3)
-IPL 5 Korean Qualifier
-Round of 32
/ cast by:HD Starcraft
Sun Jul 08, 2012

[ZvP] MorroW vs ToD (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Mouz vs Fnatic
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[PvT] MaNa vs aLive (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Mouz vs Fnatic
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[PvZ] Oz vs biGs (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Mouz vs Fnatic
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[PvZ] HasuObs vs ByuL (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Mouz vs Fnatic
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[TvT] MajOr vs DBS (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 EU-NA Qualifier
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:DjWheat & MrBitter

[PvP] ToD vs WelMu (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 EU-NA Qualifier
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:DjWheat & MrBitter

[TvT] ST_Aphrodite vs SlayerS.Eve (Best of 3)
-Iron Lady Cup
-Round 8
/ cast by:zanderfever
Sat Jul 07, 2012

[PvZ] col.Killer vs CoCa (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-SlayerS vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & IdrA

[ZvT] CoCa vs Heart (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-SlayerS vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & IdrA

[TvT] MMA vs GanZi (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-SlayerS vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & IdrA

[PvP] Puzzle vs col.Killer (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-SlayerS vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & IdrA

[ZvT] Miya vs NaDa (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-SlayerS vs Complexity
/ cast by:iNcontroL & IdrA

[PvP] FXO vs TSL (Best of 9)
-IPL Team Arena 3
-Winners Round 2
/ cast by:Kevin Knocke & Mirhi

[TvZ] Loner vs XiGua (Best of 5)
-IPL 5 China Qualifier
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:Kevin Knocke & doa

[PvZ] Tyloo.Jim vs F91 (Best of 5)
-IPL 5 China Qualifier
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:Kevin Knocke & doa

[TvT] ST_Aphrodite vs SlayerS.Eve (Best of 3)
-Iron Lady Cup
-Round 4
/ cast by:zanderfever
Fri Jul 06, 2012

EG vs Dream Team Gaming (Best of 9)
-IPL Team Arena 3
-Losers Round 2
/ cast by:Kevin Knocke & doa

[TvP] BabyKnight vs Beastyqt (Best of 5)
-TSL 4 EU-NA Qualifier
/ cast by:IdrA & ret
Thu Jul 05, 2012

[TvZ] Beastyqt vs dKiLLeR (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 EU-NA Qualifier
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:IdrA & ret
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