Added on Wed Jun 27, 2012

[PvT] BabyKnight vs Happy (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 EU-NA Qualifier
-Quarter Finals
/ cast by:Axeltoss

[PvP] Squirtle vs LG-IM.First (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 KR Qualifier
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Apollo

[TvZ] NSHSting vs CoCa (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 KR Qualifier
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Apollo

[ZvZ] viOlet vs MVP.Monster (Best of 5)
-GIGABYTE LAN Invitational
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Zoia

Multiple Players vs Multiple Players (1 Game)
-GIGABYTE LAN Invitational
/ cast by:Jorosar & Zoia
Tue Jun 26, 2012

[ZvP] Revival vs LG-IM.First (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 KR Qualifier
-Quarter Finals
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Apollo

[PvP] Squirtle vs col.Killer (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 KR Qualifier
-Quarter Finals
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Apollo

[ZvT] HyuN vs NSHSting (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 KR Qualifier
-Quarter Finals
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Apollo

[ZvZ] CoCa vs MVP.Monster (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 KR Qualifier
-Quarter Finals
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Apollo

[TvZ] DeMuslim vs MVP.Monster (BO3 in 1 Video)
-GIGABYTE LAN Invitational
-Quarter Finals
/ cast by:Gwin & Zoia

[PvZ] Alicia vs viOlet (BO3 in 1 Video)
-GIGABYTE LAN Invitational
-Quarter Finals
/ cast by:Axeltoss & Zoia

[PvZ] inori vs xSixSleep (Best of 3)
-GIGABYTE LAN Invitational
-Quarter Finals
/ cast by:Jorosar & Zoia

[PvP] Tails.MVP vs Axslav (Best of 3)
-GIGABYTE LAN Invitational
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Jorosar & Thundertoss

[PvP] Alicia vs Tails.MVP (BO3 in 1 Video)
-GIGABYTE LAN Invitational
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Doa & Zoia
Mon Jun 25, 2012

[ZvT] xSixSleep vs Clide (Best of 3)
-GIGABYTE LAN Invitational
-Round of 16
/ cast by:Jorosar & Thundertoss

[PvP] Axslav vs Alicia (BO3 in 1 Video)
-GIGABYTE LAN Invitational
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Azael & Zoia

[ZvP] Rhythm vs xSixSleep (1 Game)
-GIGABYTE LAN Invitational
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Azael & Zoia

[TvT] Clide vs Beastyqt (Best of 3)
-GIGABYTE LAN Invitational
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Doa & Jorosar

[TvT] Illusion vs STX (Best of 3)
-GIGABYTE LAN Invitational
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Jorosar & Zoia

[PvP] Creator vs LG-IM.First (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 Qualifier
-Round of 16
/ cast by:zanderfever

[TvP] ST_Sound vs LG-IM.First (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 Qualifier
-Round of 32
/ cast by:zanderfever
Sun Jun 24, 2012

[PvP] Vines vs HwangSin (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-ItsGosu vs Empire
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[ZvP] Ostojiy vs EmpireKas (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-ItsGosu vs Empire
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[PvP] HwangSin vs Vines (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-ItsGosu vs Empire
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[ZvT] tgun vs Happy (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-ItsGosu vs Empire
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[TvT] STX vs Beastyqt (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-ItsGosu vs Empire
/ cast by:iNcontroL & Azael

[PvZ] Squirtle vs IMhorror (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 Qualifier
-Round of 128
/ cast by:zanderfever

[TvT] MarineKing vs Shield (Best of 3)
-TSL 4 Qualifier
-Round of 128
/ cast by:zanderfever
Sat Jun 23, 2012

[TvP] GanZi vs HerO (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Complexity vs Team Liquid
/ cast by:Machine & Azael

[TvZ] NaDa vs Zenio (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Complexity vs Team Liquid
/ cast by:Machine & Azael

[TvP] TaeJa vs Minigun (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Complexity vs Team Liquid
/ cast by:Machine & Azael

[ZvT] TLO vs Heart (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-Complexity vs Team Liquid
/ cast by:Machine & Azael
Fri Jun 22, 2012

[TvZ] DeMuslim vs dKiLLeR (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-EG vs Dignitas
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[TvT] SeleCT vs ThorZain (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-EG vs Dignitas
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[PvT] Huk vs SeleCT (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-EG vs Dignitas
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[PvT] iNcontroL vs Merz (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-EG vs Dignitas
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser

[TvT] ThorZain vs SjoW (BO3 in 1 Video)
-EG Masters Cup
-EG vs Dignitas
/ cast by:DjWheat & PainUser
Thu Jun 21, 2012

[ZvP] Dongraegu vs Alicia (Best of 5)
-MLG Anaheim 2012
/ cast by:Artosis & tasteless

[ZvZ] ViBE vs daisuki (Best of 3)
-USA Nationals 2012
/ cast by:MrBitter & Rob Simpson
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