Added on Tue Oct 23, 2012
Mon Oct 22, 2012

[PvT] FRAER vs TheStC (BO3 in 1 Video)
-DreamHack Bucharest 2012
-Round of 16
/ cast by:Apollo & Jorosar

[ZvP] TLO vs Harstem (BO3 in 1 Video)
-DreamHack Bucharest 2012
-Round of 16
/ cast by:Apollo & Jorosar

[PvP] Cyrano vs SlayerS_Brown (Best of 3)
-Iron Squid 2 Korean Qualifier
-Round of 8
/ cast by:Khaldor & Wolf

[ZvP] SortOf vs Cyrano (Best of 3)
-Iron Squid 2 Korean Qualifier
-Round of 16
/ cast by:Khaldor & Wolf

[ZvT] HyuN vs oGsTop (Best of 3)
-Iron Squid 2 Korean Qualifier
-Round of 16
/ cast by:Khaldor & Wolf

[TvZ] Sea vs Shine (Best of 3)
-Iron Squid 2 Korean Qualifier
-Round of 64
/ cast by:Khaldor & Wolf

[PvZ] WhiteRa vs Raximus (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:HD Starcraft

[PvT] WhiteRa vs Yolteotl (1 Game)
-Special Tactics
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:WhiteRa
Sun Oct 21, 2012

[PvT] MaNa vs Naama (BO3 in 1 Video)
-DreamHack Bucharest 2012
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Jorosar

[ZvT] TLO vs Fnatic.Rain (BO3 in 1 Video)
-DreamHack Bucharest 2012
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Jorosar

[PvZ] Seiplo vs Targa (BO3 in 1 Video)
-DreamHack Bucharest 2012
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Jorosar

[ZvP] Bly vs RaNgeD (BO3 in 1 Video)
-DreamHack Bucharest 2012
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Jorosar

[PvT] Sage vs Aures (BO3 in 1 Video)
-DreamHack Bucharest 2012
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Jorosar

[TvP] ClouD vs desRow (BO3 in 1 Video)
-DreamHack Bucharest 2012
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Jorosar

[TvP] Beastyqt vs MaNa (BO3 in 1 Video)
-DreamHack Bucharest 2012
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Jorosar

[PvZ] NightEnd vs Paranoid (BO3 in 1 Video)
-DreamHack Bucharest 2012
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Apollo & Jorosar

[TvP] MorroW vs Wilko (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:HD Starcraft

[ZvT] PsY vs Drinc (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:PsyStarcraft

[TvP] EmpireKas vs NightEnd (Best of 3)
-ASUS ROG The GD Invitational
-Round of 8
/ cast by:Crota
Sat Oct 20, 2012

Empire vs Dignitas (Best of 9)
-IPTL Contender Division
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Kevin Knocke & AskJoshy

[ZvP] ret vs BabyKnight (Best of 3)
-WCS Europe Finals
-Winners Round 3
/ cast by:PainUser & Syckness

[TvZ] DarthCaesar vs Unknown Player (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:HD Starcraft
Fri Oct 19, 2012

[ZvT] LosirA vs SuperNova (1 Game)
-GSL - Greatest Matches
-Old but gold
/ cast by:Doa Starcraft

[ZvT] JulyZerg vs NaDa (1 Game)
-GSL - Greatest Matches
-Old but gold
/ cast by:Artosis & tasteless

[PvT] san vs MVPsC (1 Game)
-GSL - Greatest Matches
-Old but gold
/ cast by:Artosis & tasteless

[TvP] Jinro vs HongUn (1 Game)
-GSL - Greatest Matches
-Old but gold
/ cast by:Artosis & tasteless

[ZvP] NesTea vs san (1 Game)
-GSL - Greatest Matches
-Old but gold
/ cast by:Artosis & tasteless
Thu Oct 18, 2012

SlayerS vs Team Liquid (Best of 9)
-IPTL Premier Division
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Kevin Knocke & AskJoshy

[PvZ] WhiteRa vs Sirweazle (1 Game)
-Special Tactics
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:WhiteRa

[ZvZ] PsY vs KillCash (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:PsyStarcraft
Wed Oct 17, 2012

[ZvP] PsY vs Ayamis (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:PsyStarcraft
Tue Oct 16, 2012

[TvP] Beastyqt vs MaSter (1 Game)
-GosuGamers Replay of the Week
-Pro SC2 VOD
/ cast by:Wyrd

[PvT] WhiteRa vs Algorithm (1 Game)
-Special Tactics
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:WhiteRa
Mon Oct 15, 2012

[ZvT] HyuN vs Byun (Best of 9)
-IPL Fight Club
/ cast by:Kevin Knocke & AskJoshy

[TvP] MaSa vs ArenawiNgiAN (BO3 in 1 Video)
-Map of the Month
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:Axeltoss

[PvZ] WhiteRa vs Stan (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:HD Starcraft

[ZvT] Champi vs Unknown Player (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:HD Starcraft
Sun Oct 14, 2012

Empire vs Karont3 (Best of 9)
-IPTL Contender Division
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Kevin Knocke & AskJoshy

[ZvP] JooktoJung vs SlayerS_Arthur (BO3 in 1 Video)
-Map of the Month
-Semi Finals
/ cast by:Axeltoss

[PvZ] Champi vs ZukoZye (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:HD Starcraft

[PvT] Bazil vs Ohdizzisit (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:Wyrd
Sat Oct 13, 2012

[ZvZ] PsY vs Mike (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:PsyStarcraft

[PvT] WhiteRa vs Unknown Player (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:HD Starcraft

Multiple Players vs Multiple Players (2 Games)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:HD Starcraft
Fri Oct 12, 2012

[PvT] WhiteRa vs Avilo (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:HD Starcraft

Crota and EonShiKeno vs Multiple Players (3 Games)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:Crota & EonShiKeno
Thu Oct 11, 2012

[TvZ] Pasildan vs Radok (1 Game)
-GosuGamers Replay of the Week
-Pro SC2 VOD
/ cast by:Wyrd

[ZvP] PsY vs WhiteRa (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:PsyStarcraft

[TvP] Sea vs Sson (1 Game)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Korean Starcraft Match
Wed Oct 10, 2012

Dignitas vs NSHoSeo (Best of 9)
-IPTL Contender Division
-Group Stage
/ cast by:AskJoshy & Frank Fields

[PvT] ion vs Unknown Player (1 Game)
-GosuGamers Replay of the Week
-Pro SC2 VOD
/ cast by:Wyrd

[ZvP] PsY vs Multiple Players (2 Games)
-Starcraft Ladder
-Heart of the Swarm Beta
/ cast by:PsyStarcraft
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